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QHYCCD, founded by Dr. Qiu Hongyun, designs and manufactures world-leading astronomical cameras, ranging from entry-level to professional, CMOS and CCD, front-illuminated and back-illuminated, specially crafted for amateur and professional astronomers worldwide.

QHYCCD produced China's first CCD cameras for astronomical observations in 2003 when the market was dominated by a relatively few manufacturers. Today the QHY product line includes over 40 different models and configurations including scientific cameras. Most of the company’s products are exported to the United States and Europe.

The rich QHY product line is renowned for excellent performance and reliable quality. The sensor arrays used in QHY cameras range from 400,000 pixels to more than 50 megapixels. Sensor format sizes range from 1/4 inch to medium format photography size (61mm diagonal), all with complete independent intellectual property rights.

The QHY line of products include

  • thermoelectrically cooled cameras,
  • high- resolution scientific grade cameras,
  • astronomical imaging cameras,
  • digital X-ray machine DR cameras,
  • and solar, industrial and laboratory cameras.

The extraordinarily low noise and high sensitivity of QHY CMOS cameras has made them the camera of choice for planetary imaging where stacking and processing numerous frames tremendously improves the image. Moreover, the same low noise cameras facilitate taking and combining shorter exposures of deep space objects to achieve similar results as a single long exposure. This makes it much easier to control guiding corrections and focus in each individual sub-frame and to discard a bad frame when necessary without losing an entire night's work.


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