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ZWO is a world-renowned company focusing on the development of innovative products in the field of astrophotography. They specialize in the production of CMOS cameras, smart astro imaging devices and astrophotography accessories. The company was founded by Sam Wen in November 2011, with its headquarters based in the Chinese city of Suzhou.

Sam Wen is an amateur astronomer with a love of planetary imaging, and it was this interest that drove him to create ZWO. Sam was dissatisfied with the planetary cameras available in 2011, which were mainly based on internet webcams, so he created the world’s first dedicated planetary CMOS camera, the ASI130MM. This camera was a huge success and created a market hungry for ZWO products.

ZWO will continue to innovate and release new and exciting products to market. We have reached many exciting milestones during our time in the world of astronomy and with more than 40 energetic and highly experienced employees, we look forward to reaching many more.

We value our astro imaging friends and customers worldwide and are always excited by seeing your results on web pages and on our own Facebook pages.

We all come together for one dream: Make astrophotography easy and fun.


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